Saturday, February 24, 2018

CultJam Productions' Films and Comix

Film and Comix:

1. Film Ivy League Exorcist: The Bobby Jindal Story.
Watch it on online or on YouTube.

jack chick tract parodies
2. "Cock-Tale: A Modern Tijuana Bible" starring Tom Cruise and Xenu. French version (l'edition francais) is here.
3. "An Exorcist for President in 2020? Trump's Nightmare" a Jack T. Chick tract parody.
4. "Donald Trump Is The Antichrist" a Chick tract parody and an earlier version. Spanish version "Donald Trump Es El Anticristo! Ay Caramba!" is here.
5. "Ivy League Exorcist" a Chick tract parody and an earlier version.
6. "A Demon-Hunting Veep" a Chick tract parody. The panel in this tract that listed "doorways to demonic possession" became an internet meme. Read the article about this viral phenomenon "Decontextualization, Memetics, Semiotics, and The Ivy League Exorcist Chick Tract Parody."
7. Information about the forthcoming Chick tract parody "Falwell in Hell"
8. Buy comix at our store

Crappy Art but Good Message on Operation Red Sea

Troy Davis writes: 
operation red sea movie poster

I was on Twitter tweeting for CultJam Productions (@cultjampro) and I needed an image for a tweet on the Chinese propaganda film Operation Red Sea. In five minutes, I have this detourned Operation Red Sea movie poster that shows Tank Man of Tiananmen Square as the real hero of China. Yes, this artwork is ugly, on the nose, and hasty but it does the trick.